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SC Kansas
Stafford Explorations
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Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library

Address: 108 N. Union Ave.
Stafford, KS 67578
Telephone Number: 620.234.5762

Website: skyways.lib.ks.us/towns/Stafford
Email Address: dako@southwind.net

About this Exploration:

 Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library

Open Monday 2-6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 2-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.; Wednesday 10 a.m.-noon, 2-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.; Friday-Saturday 2-6 p.m.
This building catches one's eye due to the beautiful dark red brick and detailed wood trim fashioned in a Corinthian style, but the main eye-catching focal point is the one-of-a-kind stained glass portrait of Nora on the front of the building. The library is a memorial constructed by her parents; Nora Larabee died in 1904 of tuberculosis. 

The building was designed by Charles E. Shepard, a leading architect in Kansas during the first part of the twentieth century.  At that time, most libraries were not designed by architects.  The Larabees and their architect, Charles E. Shepard,  also cooperated on a bank building in Stafford at about the same time (See Stafford Museum)  Inside the 1906 National and State Historic library building are other must see things including many other stained and lead glass windows, twenty foot tin ceilings, gargoyle rain spouts, paintings from local artists and 100-year-old mission style furniture. 

Also be sure to see the Philippine display of a giant turtle shell along with a shield and spears, a full set of local newspapers from 1879 to present and water buffalo horns that, according to Dixie, are supposed to be the second largest in the U.S.  Dixie should know, she has been the librarian for 35 years.  Dixie and the library are also important resources for local history information and history documentation.
Meet Dixie at this stunning library during regular hours.  The best lighting for viewing the stained glass portrait is early evening. 

Please contact the library in advance to arrange for a tour outside of normal business hours. 

For more on the history of this library, click here and here.


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