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SC Kansas
Stafford Explorations
Learn more about Stafford by following the links below:

Stafford Mall

Address: 111 S. Main
Stafford, KS 67578
Telephone Number: 620.234.5633
Second Telephone Number: 620.234.6845

Email Address: grannieann2003@yahoo.com

About this Exploration:

Stafford Mall storefront 
It's difficult to describe the variety of items found in this store since the products are provided by a total of 36 vendors, all in one place.  Most of the vendors deal in antiques and collectibles, old pictures and tools, glassware, furniture and even fishing supplies.  Bill, the owner's husband, likes the old BB guns the best. 

Don't leave without at least getting a jar of homemade sand plum jelly made from sand plums that grow wild in the sand hills of Stafford County. 
Owner Ann Kirkpatrick invites you to stop by and look around.  Her hours make it convenient since the store is open daily 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.  Look for the store in the first block south of Main and Broadway on the West side of the street.  Bring cash or checks (credit cards not taken).
Mall window close-up

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