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Cathryn - Your dedication to the Chamber and City of Osage City is displayed in this website design. It is a new beg...
NE Kansas
Osage City Explorations
Learn more about Osage City by following the links below:

Osage City Explorations | Customs

Huffman Park

Fishing and memories.

Lincoln Park

Original town square

Osage City Christmas on Market Street

Each year the Osage City Chamber is excited to present its Christmas Opener with traditional and new experiences! Josie has established a facebook page just for this event.

Osage City Muncipal Golf Course

9-Hole Municipal Golf Course and Country Club

Santa Fe Park

Santa Fe Park is a pocket park to the Santa Fe Depot erected in 1910. Two memorials and more.

Skydive Kansas

contact info
Cathryn Houghton

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.249.2153

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.528.4711
Kansas Sampler Foundation   Kansas Department of Commerce - Travel Kansas   Get Rural Kansas